Regione Lombardia

Regione Lombardia
Struttura Cooperazione Territoriale Europea
Direzione Ambiente e Clima
P.zza Città di Lombardia, 1
20124 Milano
Metropolitan City of Milan
(Città metropolitana di Milano)
Department for Economic and social development, Private transports and Tourism
(Settore Sviluppo economico e sociale, Trasporti privati e Turismo)
Viale Piceno, 60
20129 Milano

Primary METREX contacts

Dario Parravicini
Head of the Department, Department for Economic and social development, Private transports and Tourism, Città metropolitana di Milano
Barbara Fraschetta
UO Programmi comunitari interregionali, Regione Lombardia
Daniele Zucchelli
Servizio Promozione e Sviluppo economico locale e politiche giovanili

Major projects

  • Making of Regional Spatial Plan, defining policies and giving directive for a polycentric and sustainable development.

  • The Urban Sustainable Mobility Plan of the Metropolitan City of Milan

    (PUMS – Piano Urbano della Mobilità Sostenibile della Città metropolitana di Milano)

    The PUMS of the MCM is a strategic planning programme that aims  to have access to national infrastructural funding  for new interventions for rapid mass transport, such as. metropolitan railway systems, metro and trams. This planning tool develops in a time horizon of medium-long term (10 years) a system vision of urban mobility.
  • Project LUIGI (Linking Urban and Inner-Alpine Green Infrastructure)

    LUIGI is an Interreg Alpine Space project that explores and aims to strengthen in Alpine rural and urban areas a great variety of spaces connecting mountain ecosystems and urban centres. Each natural or semi-natural spaces, also referred as green infrastructures, brings environmental, economical and societal benefits: supply of food, water, materials, recreation areas, tourism, pollination, climate regulation.

    This project gathers 14 partners across 6 alpine Countries, working together on future-oriented solutions to enhance ecosystem services and green infrastructure networks.

  • The Homogeneus Zones development project

    This project aims:
    • to support  the MCM Departments on the development of administrative and  technical assistance services to municipalities of the metropolitan area.
    • to connect the Homogeneous Zones and the Department Directions of MCM for the participation in the shaping of metropolitan policies and for their implementation;
    • to support and coordinate the government public bodies of the Homogeneous Zones.

Planning issues

  • Relationship between a global metropolitan area (Milan) and small-medium sized towns. Infrastructure and facilities planning and urban development. Quality of life and spatial planning.