Poststraße 16
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Picture © Bilddatenbank FrankfurtRheinMain
Primary METREX contacts

Key documents
- The Regional Authority FrankfurtRheinMain - structure, tasks and services
- Regional Monitoring 2010 - Frankfurt/Rhine-Main Metropolitan Region (11/2010)
- Frankfurt/Rhein-Main 2020 - the European metropolitan region
- Regional Monitoring 2014: Facts and Figures
- The regional preparatory land use plan - tasks and objectives
- Regional Monitoring 2015 Facts and Figures - FrankfurtRheinMain Metropolitan Region
Major projects
Preparation and maintenance of the “Regionaler Flächennutzungsplan”, an unusual combination of a Land Use Plan and a Regional Plan. And, as an exception to the legal rule, this is one plan for the area of 75 towns and cities. The new edition is now in the making.
CHIPS (Cycle Highways Innovation for smarter People Transport and Spatial Planning) will develop and promote cycle highways as an effective and cost efficient low carbon solution for commuting towards and from urban employment poles. CHIPS will demonstrate that, especially in combination with the growing number of e-bikes, cycle highway innovation can effectively get commuters out of their cars. Nine project partners from Belgium, the Netherlands, UK and Germany are co-operating in this project within the Interreg North-West Europe Programme. strong, mutually-supportive linkages between rural, peri-urban and urban areas is key to realising smart, circular and inclusive development for a sustainable Europe. ROBUST explores how synergies across the rural-urban continuum can be applied in practice to strengthen regional collaboration, interdependence and interconnectivity.
ROBUST is a European research project involving 24 partners from 11 countries. The project receives funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. ROBUST kicked off in June 2017 and will run for 48 months until 2021.
Planning issues
Spatial Planning for a dynamic European metropolitan area with some 2.34 million inhabitants on a 2500 km² area, and regional development for the larger metropolitan region.
The European Office of the Metropolitan Region FrankfurtRheinMain is our Link to Europe.
Metropolitan regions are a focus for the European Union. With our representative bureau in Brussels, we are building an important bridge between the FrankfurtRheinMain Metropolitan Region and the capital of the EU. The bureau gives us a direct line to Brussels and keeps us up to date on funding programmes, regulations, guidelines and initiatives. We are able to promptly inform our municipalities first-hand about the developments important to them while also taking the idea of Europe into the region.